Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Christian Woman's Prayer Toolbox

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Last blog post we discussed prayer, and really pouring out our hearts to our heavenly Father. But, you may be wondering, just how do we go about doing that?

It can feel weird an awkward changing prayer habits. But, do we really want our prayers to be like the one below on a regular basis?

 “God, please just help me to have a good day. And, um help me be safe. And uh, thank you for my great aunt Susie. In Jesus’ name…”

It seems daunting. And, when you’re changing your habits for anything, it’s really going to feel very strange. But, the thing to remember is that feeling uncomfortable is good. It means that you’re being challenged to grow. And, trust me; as human beings we will never run out of ways in which we can keep being better.

We are all different. Each one of us has our own personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and ways certain things come naturally to us. When we are starting to really open up to God it does feel awkward. Yet, surprisingly, there are many different ways in which we can facilitate prayer. There are different prayer postures. There are different times of praying. There are recited prayers. Some use apps. There are a lot of tools we can use to really help us in this venture. 

So, that is really what this post is about. This is encouraging you to think outside the box, and to really get excited about your personal prayer time. The more consistent you are with prayer and making it a priority, in a way that really works for you, the more you will WANT to do it. Truly, there is absolutely nothing better than to bask in God’s presence and really pour out to Him. 

In this article, there will be some quotes from some sweet sisters who have told me what works for them. Others are things I have heard of that I’ve seen other women do. Some are things I do in my personal prayer life. 

And here’s the thing. You don’t have to figure this out right away. Try different things and figure out what works for you. Honestly, I think just the journey of figuring it out is also a very beautiful thing. You’re getting to know God better and getting to know yourself better. I'm still figuring it out too.

People pray at different times of the day. Pick a time when you can really focus on God. For me personally, I like praying before I go into work, and when I turn in for the evening. Evening is especially a good time for me. I can sit with my dog and snuggle with her, and just pray to my Father. I turn off my laptop. I exit out of other apps on my phone, and just use my prayer app (which I will talk about a little more further into the article) I also might pray some Psalms.

Also, praying before I go to bed is good for me in so many ways. My mind often races and it takes a while for me to fall asleep. I like to do my main, focused praying before I lay down. Then, I will also talk to God when I get under the covers. I drift off to sleep a lot more peacefully that way. I feel like my anxiety just floats away. 

Belongs to Walt Disney Company

You know yourself (at least, I hope you do!) So really look at your day and figure out when you can really be alone with God, just the two of you. Figure out when you really have the most time to really devote praise, thanksgiving, requests, venting, things about your day, and even things you consider mundane. For some, it may be when you first wake up. Maybe it is in the shower. Maybe it’s when you are driving. Maybe it’s ten minutes on your lunch break. Whatever it looks like, make the most of it, and make sure you can really focus. 

If you don’t have time, well then, Chica, you need to get to rearranging your life and make it a priority. (Also, if you literally have no time on your hands, you really need to slow down. Seriously. You can’t do ALL the things. That’s not healthy.  God is actually a proponent of rest-but that’s a later topic.)

Here is a quote from Christina on what works best for her in regard to timing:
“I like to start off my day with devo and a prayer. I use the "Power for Today" devo books. It is usually the last thing I do before I leave for work. It really helps me to start off my day well. I also pray mini prayers through the day if I'm scrolling through Facebook or someone crosses my mind.” -Christina

Journaling is something that I have done before. I actually took it as a recommendation from my Grandma Margie one time. She sits and writes out her prayers word for word. I tried it for a while. As much as I love writing, I actually found that for me personally, I prefer speaking my prayers out loud. 

But this is only one way of Prayer journaling. (And I do recommend giving it a try if you want!)

Another form of prayer journaling was actually given to me by my friend Autumn. She says she likes to journal prayerful songs. She writes them out and meditates on them. Each song has a different thing that it is asking for. I also really connect with lyrics and music, so I definitely want to try this particular way. I often find myself singing songs as a form of prayer (for me, that is oftentimes, "Oceans", “Come Thou Fount” or “Purer in Heart”.)

Prayer journaling comes in a lot of different forms. This first example is one I found on Amazon. I thought it was a really great form. It has verses to meditate on, and sections to write down things you want God to teach you, things you’re thankful for, and requests you have. Plus it’s really pretty, and comes in either paperback or Spiral.

There are a lot of prayer journals that are similar, and others that are different. Check out different places like amazon, or even Christian bookstores to see what is available. Also, if you are a student on a campus of a Christian college, I have no doubts your college bookstores can probably point you to some good resources. Also, check Pinterest. Seriously. If you are not on Pinterest, what are you even doing with your life? It is a seriously incredible resource.

Praying Scripture/Scripted prayers
I think sometimes we get a little too ruffled over prayers like these. However, I have found that praying scripture, or at least using it as a prompt, is really helpful in teaching things to pray about and ways to pray. Honestly, sincerity in talking to God and understanding what we are asking for is the most important thing.

One problem we often face in prayer journeys is that we feel like we run out of things to say. We feel like we don’t always know what to pray. But combining prayer with study of scripture is actually a fantastic way to really deepen our relationship with God.

Again, it challenges us. It forces us to look inward at our hearts and really see ways in which we fall short and can grow (Hebrews 4:12.) Praying the Psalms, praying other prayers in scripture (or taking inspiration from it) or praying what we are studying can be a truly powerful way for the Holy Spirit to help dig us deeper in our faith. It can bring us to stages of being brave in asking God for things that we may not normally. Since scripture is breathed out by God, and from God Himself, why in the world would we not want to pray about what we are studying? 

That is truly the Holy Spirit in action! (Romans 8:26, 1 Corinthians 2:10-16.)

Everything works together. Scripture and prayer should go hand in hand-not be separate! 

“Do not ever feel guilty about praying scripted prayers.”-Autumn

Accountability Partners
Hey. We need each other as sisters in Christ. Sometimes we need people to prod us in the butt with a hot poker to stay focused. 

If you need help, it is OKAY to ask for it! The church is a beautiful place where we love and support one another in our walks with God. It is a resource that we so often don’t tap into. (1 Thessalonians 5:11.)

“Prayer accountability partners. For example, me and a church friend know someone needing to be covered in prayer. We made the commitment to pray for them by name and when we execute on that specific prayer we text each other which is both serving as a feeling of unity in praying for the same goal AND a trigger in case we get busy and forget!” -Ashley

Belongs to Illumination 

Prayer Postures
There are a lot of prayer postures too. We see quite a few ones throughout scripture. We see people with bowed heads, kneeling, laying on the ground, raised hands, etc.

The thing that matters most about this is reverence and humility. Most examples of people in prayer show them in a prostrate, humble, position. 

To make it clear, I am talking about your own personal prayer time here. I am not speaking of public worship assemblies or anything like that. 

For me personally, my favorite posture for my personal prayer time is sitting cross-legged with my head bowed, and my palms out and facing up. It is comfortable for me, and I feel like I can really focus and connect. Sometimes I go to my knees. Try different ones and see which one you prefer. 

Places to Pray
“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6.)

It’s important to understand the context behind the verse above. Jesus was calling out the Pharisees (again) and other religious leaders of the day. One common occurring problem among the leaders was that they were boastful about how ‘holy’ they were. They often prayed loud and exuberant prayers in order to get other people to hear them and be impressed by them.

You know who wasn’t impressed?


I don’t think He is necessarily saying you have to go hide in your closet to pray (though, it is probably a good idea!) The principle here is to keep our pride in check, and to be wise about where we pray. We should be wise about where we do our personal prayer time. 

For me personally, my bedroom really is my favorite place to pray. It is quiet, and I can be alone. The only one with me is my dog Jolie (we are joined at the hip, pretty much.) I don’t feel like I have to show out for anyone. I can just totally be myself and pour out to God. 

Find your place. Maybe it is your garden in your backyard. Maybe it’s your closet (I love hearing about people setting up their own War-Rooms!) Maybe it is your living room when your hubby or roommate happens to be out. Maybe it’s your She-shed or something (Just make sure it doesn’t get struck by lightning ;) ) Either way, just make sure to find a place that you can really be alone with and pour out to God. 

Consider this: if you are wanting to really connect with someone and talk to them about important things, are you really going to go some place with a ton of distractions? No, most of us definitely wouldn’t do that. Do the same when it comes to God, and give Him the attention and time He deserves!

Getting Technical
I think one way that we don’t often think of in terms of helping our prayer life is actually the use of technology. One thing that really has helped me is the use of a prayer app. There are a bunch of different ones (I was surprised at how many there actually were.) However, the one I use is Echo. 

This particular app allows you to put in prayers, prayer reminders, and there’s even a list to send answered prayers. It’s truly amazing to scroll through and see all the ways God has been working. I think there is even a way to connect with others on the app for people to see the prayer requests. However, I have not used it in this way. 

Also, for those of you who use the YouVersion bible app (This app is amazing, and if you don’t have it, you need to get it) they are adding a feature soon to put in prayers and prayer requests. I don’t know if it is going to be a separate app, or if it will be a part of the original YouVersion app. 

There is also a bunch of other apps to check out, if you’re a trial and error person:
-Prayer Mate
-Prayers and Blessings Daily
-Prayer Promoter
-Prayer Notes (this one you have to pay for.)
-Prayer Prompter

I don’t know much about any of these apps, but I do know that many of them also have a way to share prayer requests with other users if that is something you are interested in. 

Another way in which we can utilize technology is by asking on social media ways that we can pray for others. You never know how people are struggling and the ways they need. It’s a really great way to grow our faith and really be a blessing to others at the same time.

Lastly, another way I know of utilizing technology on our smartphones is by alarms. They can be used as reminders to pray at certain times of the day, especially if you tend to be busy and scatterbrained. 

My Aunt Dawn said this about using alarms:

“I've also set alarms to remember to pray for someone at the same time everyday. This was someone in the beginning stages of fighting temptation and trying to pull out of a sin.”-Dawn

Belongs to Nickelodeon

The Art of Praying Ugly
We really talked about this a lot in the previous article, but I loved the way a sister put it in regards to prayer. I couldn’t have said it better myself. She really put it in a way that really shows what it means to really just tell God everything and pour our hearts out to Him.

“Soooo my prayers have changed so much recently...I pray ugly. As in I literally tell God everything and it comes out ugly...I used to say, "Father help me forgive those who hurt me.."...but now it's like, " Father I literally want to.punch this lady in the throat every time she criticizes me... Help me to not hate her or wish bad on her cause sometimes I unwillingly picture myself tripping her in the hall.. 

Ladies I know it's ugly..but when I stop trying to hide my feelings from God, I feel like he heals me faster than when I pray nice....and fake...he already knows my heart.. I am so honest with him and it's changed my relationship with him..

We sometimes vent our true feelings to the wrong ppl.. why not to him?”-Amy

There is a lot of wisdom here in what she is saying, and I’ve experienced this in my own life. Truly, unless we are honest with ourselves and with God (and, sometimes others) it can be hard to make real, lasting changes. It can be hard to really for the Holy Spirit to work in us if we aren’t willing to be raw and honest.

It’s kind of like mold, you know? Mold likes cool, dark places. It likes to hide. Then, before you know it, it’s overgrown, and you have horrible, rotting damage. However shine the light on it, and put it in open air, it will cease to grow. That’s what praying “ugly”, as she refers to it, does for us. It also does the same when we can open up to our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we expose the darkness for what it is, it ceases to grow. ( 1 John 2:9-11, Ephesians 5:11, Ephesians 5:8-9.)

And one only need to do a reading of the Psalms to see that they are definitely full of “ugly” prayers.

There are so many incredible tools that are available to us to use. In fact, we can definitely say that God put these tools into our lives. We just have to actually utilize them! Growing closer to God is a choice, my sisters. Let out your heart and really start digging deep to connect with Him. 

He really truly is only one prayer away.

In Christian Love,


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