Friday, February 7, 2020

You Probably Did Not Know This About Me...

To my Dear Sisters in Christ,

I am so excited to have you here on this new journey with me. Recently, I decided I wanted to take my blogging in a bit of a different direction. I have been learning so much here in my twenties about what it means to be in a relationship with God, and living our best, most abundant lives.

A faith journey is one that is always very personal, and full of twists and turns. As a 28 year old woman (29 in just a few months) I have been through a lot that has changed me in so many ways.

As far as the journey in my faith is concerned, the biggest turning point was the end of my first dating relationship. That relationship broke me, and slammed me hard against rock bottom. While there was much pain, it led to something beautiful: a new chapter in my relationship with God.

The relationship with my ex began in late 2012, and ended in early 2014 about a week before Valentine’s Day.

Some friends introduced us. I had some very deep reservations when I had first viewed his Facebook page. A friend of his had shared a picture of a scantily clad woman on his timeline. One thing that raised a red flag for me was that he did not tell his friend that it was inappropriate, nor did he remove it. As a young Christian woman who, at the time wasn’t even intending to kiss until her wedding day, this was extremely concerning.

People were pressuring me to give him a chance. They were telling me things like,

“You never know until you try.”

“He’s a young Christian who just needs a good woman to set him straight.”

“You might regret it one day if you don’t.”

Let me say that, I knew these people meant well, and were just trying to help me find happiness. I cannot fault them for that, and I am grateful for their good hearts.

However, this 21 year old young woman was in a very difficult place. Despite the fact that I had given my life to Christ, I still felt unworthy. I felt unloved. I felt uncherished. I hated who I was on the inside. I saw myself as a burden and a complete failure. I felt like my life was going nowhere and in some ways, pointless. However, if you knew me at the time, you would have never known this. I would have not admitted it.

I entered into this relationship so broken. My defenses of purity in this relationship were chipped away little by little. In my desperation to be loved and cherished, I ended up letting go of most of my physical boundaries. Despite being in sin, I loved the attention and feeling like I mattered to a guy. I poured everything I had into the relationship. But it was not enough.

I had made this person my everything, gave just about everything, but he decided he did not love me.

I was in very deep pain for a month. I felt like I could not go anywhere without bursting into tears. It was excruciating. There is no other word for it.

Yet, despite the sin and brokenness I had found myself in, God had not given up on me. In times when I had given up on myself, when I had questioned my goodness, when I questioned my worth, He remained constant and steadfast.

Ever since the day of the break up, God has been doing some serious work inside of me. 6 years of refining and growth have led me to where I am now.

The biggest lesson I specifically learned from that situation is that God is truly the only one who deserves the number one spot in my life. I realized that, before the break up, I did not actually have a grasp on what it truly meant to be in a relationship with God. I also had begun to learn that I did not truly value myself in the way that I should. Those two things led to a complete mess.

My ex told me that I needed to work on my “Daddy Issues”. Well, he was right.

My life has never been easy. My biological father was an alcoholic. He and my Mom’s relationship was very tumultuous. My Mom remarried, but my stepfather and I had a difficult relationship while I was growing up. He and I were individually dealing with our own issues and we clashed. Thankfully, he and I are in a much better place now. I have a very deep respect for him, and I love and care about him very much.

But, through study, prayer, and help from some mentors, I began to understand that what I was looking for came through God. God is my heavenly Father, and I am very much his beloved daughter. And that fills me with more joy and excitement than I can possibly say.

That leads me to the theme of this new blog venture of mine. God has been working on my heart in a big way since then. I still have a lot of growing to do. But, I finally decided to be bold and share my story and the ways I am growing closer to my Father. I want to help other women grow in a more intimate, loving, and heart-changing relationship with Him.

We get so bogged down like so many of the pharisees in Jesus’ day about everything we are doing right. Truth be told, while it is important to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called” (Ephesians 4:1), it means nothing unless our hearts are totally in love with Him. That love is what changes us; not trying to do everything perfectly. While we must strive for that perfection, we must also realize that we must first truly, authentically, crazily, and shamelessly love our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind.

A Daughter's Journey blog will be all about the path of falling deeper in love with our Father. It will be about seeking and living a full and abundant life. It will be raw, honest, and hopefully uplifting and challenge you to seek God in a deeper way. I want to encourage you to see yourself as one with incredible value, and that you are worthwhile and precious as His daughter.

I can’t wait to share more of my heart with you in this new venture.

In Christian Love,



  1. Thank you for sharing your heart! It's so hard to talk about things like past relationships and to reveal those parts of yourself for the internet. I am excited to read more!! Love you, girly!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I am glad that this was encouraging to you. Love you too!


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